Mateusz Michalkiewicz

I am a Postdoctoral Associate in the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) department at Rice University (Houston, Texas, USA), working with Guha Balakrishnan. I received my PhD degree from The University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia) supervised by Anders Eriksson and Mahsa Baktashmotlagh. During my PhD, I interned with the computer vision groups at Intel (group of Vladlen Koltun) and NEC-Labs (group of Manmohan Chandraker).

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My research interests broadly lie in deep learning and computer vision. Currently, I focus on 3D reconstruction, and domain adaptation/generalization, particularly in the context of models based on implicit neural representations. Additionally, I am becoming increasingly interested in vision and language models.

DRAGON: Drone and Ground Gaussian Splatting for 3D Building Reconstruction
Ham Y, Michalkiewicz M, Balakrishnan G
International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), 2024

We propose a novel view synthesis method for multi-elevation 3D building reconstruction with unknown camera poses

Learning Compositional Shape Priors for Few-Shot 3D Reconstruction
Michalkiewicz M, Tsogkas S, Parisot S, Baktashmotlagh M, Eriksson A, Belilovsky
Under Submission, 2024

We introduce ShapeNetMini, a small subset of ShapeNet aimed at accelerating model training without sacrificing performance. Additionally, we enhance the performance of existing few-shot 3D reconstruction methods.

Domain Generalization Guided by Gradient Signal to Noise Ratio of Parameters
Michalkiewicz M, Faraki M, Yu X, Chandraker M, Baktashmotlagh M
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023

We propose a dropout method leveraging the gradient-signal-to-noise ratio (GSNR) of network's parameters to address overfitting, achieving competitive results on standard domain generalization benchmarks

Few-Shot Single-View 3-D Object Reconstruction with Compositional Priors
Michalkiewicz M, Parisot S, Tsogkas S, Baktashmotlagh M, Eriksson A, Belilovsky
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2020

We introduce three methods to learn class-specific global shape priors directly from data, tailored for few-shot 3D reconstruction from single images.

A Simple and Scalable Shape Representation for 3D Reconstruction
Michalkiewicz M, Belilovsky E, Baktashmotlagh M, Eriksson A
British Machine Vision Conference (BMBV), 2020

Our work demonstrates that high-quality 3D reconstruction can be achieved using a linear decoder derived from principal component analysis on the signed distance function (SDF) of the surface, allowing for easy scalability to larger resolutions

Implicitly Defined Layers in Neural Network
Zhang Q, Gu Y, Michalkiewicz M, Baktashmotlagh M, Eriksson A
Preprint, 2020

We demonstrate that defining individual layers in a neural network implicitly provides much richer representations over the standard explicit one, consequently enabling a vastly broader class of end-to-end trainable architectures.

Implicit surface representations as layers in neural networks
Michalkiewicz M, Pontes JK, Jack D, Baktashmotlagh M, Eriksson A
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019

We propose representing 3D shapes implicitly as oriented level sets using a continuous and discretized embedding function within a deep learning framework.

Combining the boundary shift integral and tensor-based morphometry for brain atrophy estimation.
Michalkiewicz M, Pai A, Leung KK, Sommer S, Darkner S, Sorensen L, Sporring J, Nielsen M
Medical Imaging (Oral), 2016

We propose a method for measuring brain atrophy, significantly reducing sample size estimates compared to state-of-the-art techniques

Website credits to Jon Barron